Pro Testimonials
[box type=”shadow”]I absolutely loved the event. Thanks so much for your efforts in organizing this.
If you have this event again in the future, I will strongly recommend that the other high handicappers in my golf club consider participating. This was DEFINITELY worthwhile.
Gil Armour[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]I had a great time with my player Tony.. I think an event like this forces one to be extremely creative and flexible with the style and how you adapt to the player.. I will forward my player’s email as he was extremely pleased with his experience and how well the event was run…
Hats off to you and your family for putting everything together!!
Let me know whenever you need support again!
All the best,
Sean Lanyi
PGA Golf Professional
Sean Lanyi Golf Instruction
Black Gold Golf Club[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]I’ve been meaning to send you an e-mail and having seen this results email has presented a chance to reply.
I really want to thank you for putting together a great event. The idea behind this type of event is fantastic. My student did not perform well on the course, but I want to let you know that his poor play did not take away from the overall experience. I believe, as an instructor or golf coach, anytime we have an opportunity to spend a day with someone and make positive influence on their game, success may be claimed.
I want to let you know that the idea is fantastic, the day was great for myself and my student, and as for whenever the next event is ready to go. SIGN ME UP!!!
Thanks a million for everything. I think you’ve created a great new way to reveal undiscovered paths for the future of player development.
Benjamin W. Schillig
1st Assistant Golf Professional
The Club at Morningside[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]I was hoping to send you a thank you before you thanked us. I had a blast in the event. I’m not just saying that because I won money. I truly signed up for the event truly because of my love for teaching the game. Your idea for this event was brilliant!! Thank you to you, your wife and your Mom. Feel proud my man you did a great job. I will definitely sign up for the next event. Take care.
Michael Ellis, PGA
Senior Instructor, Marriott Golf Academy
Marriott’s Shadow Ridge Golf Club[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]Thank you Tim for setting this up! Â It was a blast and I’m hoping this event continues for many years to come.
Cameron. PGA[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]Count me in for October! Had a great time and look forward to giving you some feedback. All in all a great event
Steve Hurtig, PGA[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]Thank you so much for such a great event. You can sign me up right now for Oct. Also please thank your wife and mom for all their hard work.
Bob Shirey, PGA[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]Thanks so much for putting it together. Without your hard work it would of never happened.
My only suggestion is sometime in the future it includes military only or wounded military. I would love to give back to them for all they do.
[box type=”shadow”]Thanks for heading this up, I think the idea is good. Is there a list of the amateurs who won as well? Thanks and see you next time.
John Mason
PGA Director of Instruction
 JC Resorts [/box]
[box type=”shadow”]I wanted to thank you personally for hosting and staging the event. You can bet I will be at the next one and those following. The event was not only fantastic but historic.
Thank you for your time.
Happy Golfing and Have A Great Day!
PGA Professional, Robb Nunn[/box]

Amateur Testimonials
[box type=”shadow”]I wanted to express my gratitude for the work you did yesterday and everything leading up to yesterday’s golf tournament. This is by far one of the best teaching platforms I have seen when it comes to golf instruction. The participation of the many talented coaches was nothing less than miraculous. Where else does one get to see that collection of talent assembled at one event other than on the PGA tours.
My only personal regret is that my score did not reflect the great instruction that I received from Shawn Cox. I don’t think for one second it was any short comings on his part. His simple explanations and patience with my many less than stellar shots was always an encouragement to do better on the next hole.
I think you have discovered a great teaching vehicle for this sport and wish you much success in the future.
Warmest regards,
Fred C. Cook, Architect
Senior Vice President
Director of Development
[box type=”shadow”]Thank you for a Great weekend that I feel will make a difference in my game. You did a great job putting this event together and your support staff really stepped up, (performance at least  -20 under par). I look forward to next year and showing a stronger performance. All the Pro’s where great, very personal and helpful. Have a good day and “thank you againâ€.
Thank you again for a great event. Count me in for the reunion, “I’ll write the check nowâ€.
Michael A. Eshom
Partner, Wood Gutmann & Bogart
>Registered Representative, Lincoln Financial Securities Corp.[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]Thank you Tim for all of the work you put into organizing the competition and keeping us informed about what was to take place. I learned a lot from my PGA instructor, Jack Gibson, and I will be taking additional instruction from him in the future. My goal is to lower my handicap by 10 strokes by this time next year, and I am confident that the things I’ve learned from Jack will help me achieve my goal.[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]I was very pleased that Jack was able to add some things to my swing, grip and stance without making me learn everything all over again. I managed to shoot a couple of strokes below my handicap during the nine hole playoff, and I’m sure that I will continue to improve by applying the things that Jack taught me.
Once again, thank you,
Jim Van Houten[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]My wife and I stayed a few days in Palm Desert and just got home. Â It was lots of fun to see the emails from the other students and I agree with all the praises. Â The event was great and I am looking forward to any events I may join. Â Again Thanks for your kindness and leadership.
[box type=”shadow”]I shot 92 today at PGA West Norman. That is 6 under my handicap!
My short game was much better. I remembered to uncoil from the ground up. Â I hit some great shots today. I’ve never been so excited about playing golf. Â Thanks for a great learning experience! Looking forward to the next event.
Dave Wall[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to play in the Teaching Competition. I had a blast. It was very inspiring to get to play with a pro and get his input on shots, club selection, etc.
It was a great event and I hope you are able to run it again in the future.[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]OK. Here is one more big fan thanking you for a fantastic day on Sunday. I really learned a lot from my professional David Stephens. You even pulled off great weather for us. Â I believe it has been said, the only improvement would be to assign coaches from the same town before we get there and let us just look on a board to find them vs. the time consuming “drawing”. Otherwise it was fantastic. Tim you did a great job keeping us updated with emails and several phone calls that I especially enjoyed. Thank you. Please thank your mom and wife as well. Please include me if you do it again! Mitch
W. Mitch Heroman MD[/box]
[box type=”shadow”]Please maintain the focus of future events like this on the teaching professional. I say this because the email I’ve been reading indicates to me that the focus should shift to the student.  I was primarily attracted to your event, because of the feature of instructors competing against fellow instructors to see who could show the most improvement in their student in a short period of time.  There is then a competitive incentive for the very good instructors to pull out all their tricks and techniques and apply them to the student’s current golf skills. A full make-over would be foolish and impossible.
Lin Farmer[/box]